Source code for fontcreator

Copyright @ 2013 Mathias Westerdahl

import sys, os, logging
from optparse import OptionParser
import itertools

    from PIL import Image
except ImportError:
    import Image

def _patch_numpy():
    """ When chasing optimizations, numpy's excessive imports actually amounted to
    times that were not insignificant compared to the other functions in the font creator.
    class FooModule(object):
        __all__ = []
    class FooObject(object):
        def __getattr__(self,*k,**kw): pass

    # Timings went from 0.675 to 0.609 (~9.5%)
    # Saved 0.01s out of 0.067s by not including all the documentation
    sys.modules['numpy.add_newdocs'] = True
    # Saved 0.002s out of 0,066s
    #sys.modules['numpy.fft'] = True # needed by numpy.numarray
    # Saved 0.016s from 0.658s
    sys.modules['numpy.polynomial'] = True
    # Saved 0.01s from 0.064s
    sys.modules[''] = True
    # Saved 0,01s from 0.63s
    #sys.modules['numpy.random'] = True # needed by numpy.numarray
    # Save 0.016s from 0.625s
    sys.modules['numpy.testing'] = FooModule()
    sys.modules['numpy.testing'].__dict__['Tester'] = FooObject

    sys.modules['numpy.core.records'] = FooModule()
    sys.modules[''] = FooModule()
    sys.modules['numpy.lib.triu'] = FooModule()

import numpy as np

import freetype as ft
import fontutils as fu

from fontinfo import SFontInfo
import fonteffects

for n in sorted(sys.modules.keys()):
    if 'numpy' in n:
        print n, sys.modules[n]


class LogStream(object):
    def __init__(self, path):
        self.log = open(path, 'wb')
        self.stdout = sys.stdout

    def __del__(self):
        self.log = None

    def write(self, s):

    def flush(self):

def _apply_layer(info, glyph, layer, previmage, glyphimage):
    # The max y should be the same for all characters in the same row
    # This is necessary for having the same "space" during calculations
    maxsize = info.maxsize

    starty = info.maxbearingY - glyph.bearingY

    layer.set_info( glyph, info )
    image = layer.apply_color( 0, starty, glyph.bitmap.shape, maxsize, glyphimage, previmage )
    image = layer.apply_effects( image )
    image = layer.apply_mask( image )
    image = layer.apply_blend( glyphimage, previmage, image )

    assert image != None
    return image

def _apply_layers(info):
    #bbox = np.array( [0, 0] )
    width = 0
    top = 0
    bottom = 0
    max_bearing_y = 0
    for glyph in info.glyphs:
        if glyph.bitmap is None:
        width = max(width, glyph.bitmap.shape[0])
        top = max(top, glyph.bearingY)
        bottom = min(bottom, glyph.bearingY - glyph.bitmap.shape[1])
        #bbox = np.maximum( bbox, glyph.bitmap.shape )
        max_bearing_y = max(max_bearing_y, glyph.bearingY)
    bbox = np.array( [width, top - bottom] )
    bbox[0] += info.extrapadding[0] + info.extrapadding[2]
    bbox[1] += info.extrapadding[1] + info.extrapadding[3]
    info.maxsize = bbox
    info.maxbearingY = max_bearing_y

    elements = []
    for layer in info.layers:
    for element in elements + info.posteffects:
        if hasattr(element, 'set_dimensions'):
            element.set_dimensions(info.maxsize[0], info.maxsize[1])

    for glyph in info.glyphs:
        if glyph.bitmap is None:

        glyphimage = glyph.bitmap
        glyphimage.flags.writeable = False

        # ????
        fonteffects.DefaultMask.idx = np.where(glyphimage == 0)
        previmage = np.dstack((glyphimage, glyphimage, glyphimage, glyphimage))
        previmage.flags.writeable = False

        previmage = _apply_layer(info, glyph, info.layers[0], previmage, glyphimage)
        previmage.flags.writeable = False

        for layer in info.layers[1:]:
            previmage = _apply_layer(info, glyph, layer, previmage, glyphimage)
            previmage.flags.writeable = False

        for effect in info.posteffects:
            previmage = effect.apply(info, glyph, previmage)
            previmage.flags.writeable = False
        bgimage = np.ones( previmage.shape, float) * (info.bgcolor[0], info.bgcolor[1], info.bgcolor[2], 0.0)
        bgimage.flags.writeable = False
        previmage = fu.alpha_blend(bgimage, previmage)
        previmage.flags.writeable = False
        glyph.bitmap = previmage

def _convert_int_to_unicode(char):
    """ Converts an UTF-8 encoded integer and converts it back to a unicode character
    if char <= 255:
        return chr(char)

    s = ''
    if char & 0xFF000000:
        s += '%x' % (char >> 24 & 0xFF)
    if char & 0x00FF0000:
        s += '%x' % (char >> 16 & 0xFF)
    if char & 0x0000FF00:
        s += '%x' % (char >> 8 & 0xFF)
    if char & 0x000000FF:
        s += '%x' % (char >> 0 & 0xFF)

    return s.decode('hex').decode('utf-8')

def _get_extra_padding(info):
    zero = (0,0,0,0)
    extrapadding = (0,0,0,0)
    for layer in info.layers:
        layerpadding = layer.padding
        extrapadding = np.maximum(extrapadding, layerpadding)
    for effect in info.posteffects:
        extrapadding = np.add(extrapadding, getattr(effect, 'padding', zero))
    return extrapadding

[docs]class Glyph(object): """ Holds the glyph info. For a detailed description of the glyph metrics, see :param utf8: The UTF-8 character code :param unicode: The unicode letter :param bitmap: The numpy array of shape (x, y, 4) :param bitmapbox: The box in the texture where the glyph is printed. A 4-tuple: (left, top, width, height) *(In pixels)* :param bearingX: The distance from the cursor to the leftmost border of the bitmap :param bearingY: The distance from the baseline to the topmost border of the bitmap :param advance: The distance used to increment the cursor """ def __init__(self, utf8, unicode): self.utf8 = utf8 self.unicode = unicode self.bitmap = None self.bitmapbox = None self.bearingX = 0 self.bearingY = 0 self.advance = 0
def _get_glyph_info(options, info, face): logging.debug("Fetching glyph info") face.set_char_size( width=0, height=info.size*64, hres=info.dpi, vres=info.dpi ) # find out the needed extra padding on each side of each glyph info.extrapadding = _get_extra_padding(info) info.ascender = (face.size.ascender >> 6) + info.extrapadding[1] info.descender = (face.size.descender >> 6) - info.extrapadding[3] info.fontsize = face.height >> 6 flags = ft.LOAD_NO_BITMAP all_letters = set() info.glyphs = [] for c in info.letters: if c in all_letters: continue if options.writetext and not unichr(c) in options.writetext: continue all_letters.add(c) unicode = _convert_int_to_unicode(c) face.load_char( unicode, flags ) metrics = face.glyph.contents.metrics glyph = Glyph(c, unicode) glyph.bearingX = (metrics.horiBearingX >> 6) + info.extrapadding[0] glyph.bearingY = (metrics.horiBearingY >> 6) + info.internalpadding[1] + info.extrapadding[1] glyph.advance = (metrics.horiAdvance >> 6) + info.extrapadding[2] info.glyphs.append( glyph ) def render(options, info, face): found = False for charmap in face.charmaps: found = found or charmap.encoding == ft.ENCODING_UNICODE if not found: logging.warning("The font %s doesn't seem to support unicode!? Continuing anyway") if options.writetext: info.letters = [c for c in info.letters if unichr(c) in options.writetext] logging.debug("Rendering %d characters" % len(info.letters)) # find out the needed extra padding on each side of each glyph info.extrapadding = _get_extra_padding(info) info.face = face flags = ft.LOAD_RENDER antialias = getattr(info, 'antialias', 'normal') if antialias == 'none': flags |= ft.LOAD_TARGET_MONO elif antialias == 'light': flags |= ft.LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT elif antialias == 'normal': flags |= ft.LOAD_TARGET_NORMAL logging.debug("RENDERING %s", unicode([g.unicode for g in info.glyphs])) assert len(info.glyphs) > 0, "No glyphs to process!" # since the layers might set this, we set it back face.set_char_size( width=0, height=info.size * 64, hres=info.dpi, vres=info.dpi ) for glyph in info.glyphs: face.load_char( glyph.unicode, flags ) if face.glyph.contents.bitmap.rows: glyph.bitmap = fu.make_array_from_bitmap(face.glyph.contents.bitmap) shape = glyph.bitmap.shape glyph.bitmap = fu.pad_bitmap(glyph.bitmap, info.extrapadding[0], info.extrapadding[1], info.extrapadding[2], info.extrapadding[3], 0.0) if info.useadvanceaswidth: # Pad the bitmap with the bearing width on each side # This is useful for file formats that doesn't carry all the glyph info into it padleft = glyph.bearingX padright = glyph.advance - shape[0] - padleft glyph.bitmap = fu.pad_bitmap(glyph.bitmap, 0, 0, padright, 0, 0.0) if antialias != 'none': glyph.bitmap /= 255.0 else: logging.debug("char missing bitmap %X '%s'" % (glyph.utf8, glyph.unicode) ) # Apply all layers on all the tiny bitmaps _apply_layers(info) max_bearing_y = 0 # the maximum extent above the baseline min_bearing_y = 0 # the maximum extent below the baseline max_width = 0 # calculate the height/width, since the layers may increased/decreased the size max_width = 0 max_height = 0 for glyph in info.glyphs: if glyph.bitmap is None: continue # find the highest char max_bearing_y = max(max_bearing_y, glyph.bearingY) # find the lowest char min_bearing_y = min(min_bearing_y, glyph.bearingY - glyph.bitmap.shape[1]) max_width = max(max_width, glyph.bitmap.shape[0]) max_height = max(max_height, glyph.bitmap.shape[1]) info.max_height = max(max_height, info.ascender - info.descender) info.max_width = max_width def _get_pair_kernings(info, face): characters = set([ glyph.utf8 for glyph in info.glyphs]) pairkernings = dict() for pair in itertools.product(characters, repeat=2): prevc, c = pair kerning = face.get_kerning(prevc, c) if kerning.x != 0: assert c < 0xFFFFFFFF assert prevc < 0xFFFFFFFF pairkernings[ _encode_pair(prevc, c) ] = kerning.x>>6 #print "kerning %s, %s: %d" % (chr(prevc), chr(c), kerning.x>>6), '\t', '0x%016x' % _encode_pair(prevc, c) return pairkernings def compile(options): info = SFontInfo(options) if not os.path.exists( ): raise fu.FontException("Failed to find font: %s" % face = ft.new_face( ) # gather the glyph info _get_glyph_info(options, info, face) pairkernings = None if info.usepairkernings: pairkernings = _get_pair_kernings(info, face) # The actual compile step render(options, info, face) # assemble into a texture image = info.texturerender( info ) pairkernings = dict() if info.usepairkernings: pairkernings = _get_pair_kernings(info, face) if not options.writetext: if not os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(options.output) ): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(options.output)) try: info.texturewriter( options, info, image ) except Exception, e: raise fu.FontException('Failed to write texture: %s' % str(e) ) info.writer.write(options, info, pairkernings) return (info, pairkernings, image) def _encode_pair(prevc, c): """ Encodes two 16 bit integers into 32 bits """ return prevc << 32 | c def _calc_bbox(info, characters, pairkernings, text): extrapadding = _get_extra_padding(info) maxx = 0 x = 0 lineheight = info.max_height + extrapadding[1] + extrapadding[3] y = lineheight prevc = 0 for i, c in enumerate(text): c = ord(c) if c == '\n' and i < len(text)-1: maxx = max(x, maxx) x = 0 y += lineheight continue char = characters.get( c, None ) if not char: logging.warning("Character not in info.letters: '%s'" % unichr(c) ) continue x += char.advance prevc = c continue x += pairkernings.get( _encode_pair(prevc, c), 0) x += char.advance x += extrapadding[0] + extrapadding[2] prevc = c maxx = max(x, maxx) return (maxx, y)
[docs]def write_text(options, info, pairkernings): """ Writes the given text to an image """ pairkernings = pairkernings or dict() # first, calculate the texture size if os.path.isfile(options.writetext): with open(options.writetext, 'rt') as f: options.writetext = cinfo = {glyph.utf8 : glyph for glyph in info.glyphs} texture_size = _calc_bbox(info, cinfo, pairkernings, options.writetext) texture_size = (texture_size[0]+info.padding*2+60, texture_size[1]+info.padding*2) ones = np.ones(texture_size, float) bgcolor = info.bgcolor if options.bgcolor: bgcolor = eval(options.bgcolor) bgcolor = map( lambda x: float(x)/255.0 if isinstance(x, int) else x, bgcolor ) if len(bgcolor) == 3: bgcolor = list(bgcolor)+[1.0] r = ones * bgcolor[0] g = ones * bgcolor[1] b = ones * bgcolor[2] a = ones * bgcolor[3] zeros = np.zeros(texture_size, float) image = np.dstack( (r,g,b,zeros) ) x = 0 y = info.ascender prevc = 0 found = False for c in options.writetext: c = ord(c) char = cinfo.get( c, None ) if not char: logging.warning("Character not in info.letters: '%s'" % unichr(c)) continue if char.bitmap == None: x += char.advance prevc = c continue found = True x += pairkernings.get( _encode_pair(prevc, c), 0) bw, bh, _ = char.bitmap.shape bx = x + char.bearingX by = y - char.bearingY # we must make sure that the first pixel is within range if bx < 0: x += -char.bearingX bx = x target = image[bx : bx + bw, by : by + bh ] try: image[bx : bx + bw, by : by + bh ] = fu.alpha_blend( target, char.bitmap ) except Exception, e: print e print 'image shape', image.shape print 'target shape', target.shape print 'bitmap shape', char.bitmap.shape print "bx, bw", bx, bw print "by, bh", by, bh print "y", y print "bearingY", char.bearingY print "lineheight", info.max_height print "c:", char.utf8, char.unicode print "" print "" raise x += char.advance prevc = c if not found: raise fu.FontException("No characters found in font: %s" % options.writetext) image = (image * 255.0).astype(np.uint8) r,g,b,a = image.T image = np.dstack((r,g,b,a)) if not os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(options.output) ): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(options.output)) Image.fromarray( image ).save( options.output ) logging.debug("Wrote %s" % options.output)
def init(): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-i', '--input', metavar='FILE', help='The input font (.fontinfo)') parser.add_option('-o', '--output', metavar='FILE', help='The output font (.fntb)') parser.add_option('-d', '--datadir', default='', metavar='DIRECTORY', help='The data directory that all resource paths should be relative to') parser.add_option('-e', '--endian', default='little', choices=['little', 'big'], help='The endianess of the output file.') parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='Specifies verbose mode') parser.add_option('-l', '--log', default='', help='A log file where the stdout is saved logged to.' ) parser.add_option('-w', '--writetext', metavar='TEXT', help='When used, a .fontinfo file is used as input and the text is written into the output texture.') parser.add_option('--bgcolor', default='', metavar='COLOR', help='The background color used when writing text') options, args = parser.parse_args() if options.log: sys.stdout = LogStream(options.log) sys.stderr = sys.stdout if not options.input: parser.error("You must specify an input file") if not options.output: parser.error("You must specify an output file") if not os.path.exists(options.input): parser.error("The input file doesn't exist: %s" % options.input) if not options.endian in ['little', 'big']: parser.error("Invalid endianess: %s" % options.endian) logging.basicConfig(level=(logging.INFO if options.verbose else logging.WARN)) return options if __name__ == '__main__': options = init() if options.verbose:"Using freetype-%d.%d.%d" % ft.version() ) try: options.endian = '<' if options.endian == 'little' else '>' (info, pairkernings, image) = compile(options) if options.writetext: write_text(options, info, pairkernings) except fu.FontException, e: if '-v' in sys.argv: raise logging.error( "%s: %s" % (options.input, str(e)) ) sys.exit(1)