Source code for fonteffects

Copyright @ 2013 Mathias Westerdahl

The fonteffects module provides commonly used base functionality for the effects.

import os, logging
import numpy as np

    import Image
except ImportError:
    from PIL import Image

import utils
import freetype as ft
import fontutils as fu
import fontblend as fb
from import WrapPropertyClass
import as prop

# good reads:
#    DistanceFields:

#    Bevel effect
#    Extrude effect

_CLASSES = dict()
colorfunctions = dict()
effectfunctions = dict()

#def _get_pixel(i, x, y):
#    return i[:,:,0][y][x], i[:,:,1][y][x], i[:,:,2][y][x], i[:,:,3][y][x]

def GetClassByName(name):
    return _CLASSES[name]

def GetClassType(cls):
    return cls.function_type

[docs]def ColorFunction(cls): """ Registers a class as a color function """ assert( getattr(cls, '__call__') ) WrapPropertyClass(cls) cls.function_type = 'color' _CLASSES[cls.__name__.lower()] = cls colorfunctions[cls.__name__.lower()] = cls "Registered layer function %s" % cls.__name__.lower() ) return cls
def GetColorFunction(name): return colorfunctions[name]
[docs]def EffectFunction(cls): """ Registers a class as a effect function """ assert( getattr(cls, '__call__') ) WrapPropertyClass(cls) cls.function_type = 'effect' _CLASSES[cls.__name__.lower()] = cls effectfunctions[cls.__name__.lower()] = cls "Registered effect function %s" % cls.__name__.lower() ) return cls
def GetEffectFunction(name): return effectfunctions[name]
[docs]class FontEffectException(Exception): """ An internal exception class used for font creator exceptions """ pass # **************************************************************************************************** # Found an excellent reference here: # # ****************************************************************************************************
def _convert_color_to_units(colors): """ Converts colors from 0-255 range into 0.0-1.0 range :param colors: A 3-tuple of integers or floats (floats in range [0.0, 1.0]) """ if isinstance(colors, tuple): if len(colors) != 3: raise FontEffectException("Colors should be specified with 3-tuples (float[0.0, 1.0] or int[0, 255])") if isinstance(colors[0], float): return colors else: return (colors[0] / 255.0, colors[1] / 255.0, colors[2] / 255.0) out = [] for c in colors: if len(c) != 3: raise FontEffectException("Colors should be specified with 3-tuples (float[0.0, 1.0] or int[0, 255])") if isinstance(c[0], float): out.append( c ) else: out.append( (c[0] / 255.0, c[1] / 255.0, c[2] / 255.0) ) return out # **************************************************************************************************** @ColorFunction
[docs]class Solid(object): """ Creates solid fill with a single color :param color: A color as (r,g,b) [0,255] """ color = prop.ColorProperty( (255,255,255) ) def __init__(self, *k, **kw): for name, value in kw.iteritems(): try: setattr(self, name, eval(value) ) except NameError: setattr(self, name, value ) except TypeError, e: raise fu.FontException("Solid: Error while evaluating '%s':\n%s" % (value, str(e))) self.color = _convert_color_to_units( self.color ) if len(self.color) == 3: self.color = (self.color[0], self.color[1], self.color[2], 1.0) def apply(self, info, glyph, startx, starty, size, maxsize, glyphimage, previmage): return previmage * self.color
[docs]class Gradient(object): """ Creates a gradient between two or more colors. :param colors: A list of colors (3 tuples) to interpolate between. [bottom color, ..., top color] :param angle: The angle of rotation (in degrees) """ colors = [(0,0,0), (255,255,255)] angle = prop.AngleProperty( 120, help='The angle of rotation (in degrees)' ) def __init__(self, *k, **kw): for name, value in kw.iteritems(): try: setattr(self, name, eval(value) ) except: setattr(self, name, value) if len(self.colors) < 2: raise FontEffectException("Gradient must have more than one color to blend with") self.colors = _convert_color_to_units(self.colors) def set_dimensions(self, width, height): angle = self.angle / 180.0 * np.pi normal = np.array([0,-height/2.0]) cosa = np.cos(angle) sina = np.sin(angle) rotation = np.array([[cosa, -sina], [sina, cosa]]) normal = (rotation * normal)[:,1] lengthsq =,normal) normal /= np.sqrt(lengthsq) # calculate the dot product with the normal halfextents = ( (width)/2.0, (height)/2.0 ) origin = np.array( [np.round(halfextents[0]), np.round(halfextents[1])], float) maxextents = np.sqrt( halfextents[0]*halfextents[0]*np.abs(normal[0]) + halfextents[1]*halfextents[1]*np.abs(normal[1]) ) maxextents = np.round(maxextents) data = np.empty((width,height,4), dtype=np.float32) for x in xrange(0, width): for y in xrange(0, height): v = np.array([x,y], dtype=float) v -= origin d = (, normal) / maxextents) / 2.0 + 0.5 d = np.clip( d, 0.0, 1.0 ) lenminusone = len(self.colors) - 1 index = int(d * lenminusone) subunit = (d * lenminusone) % 1.0 if index == lenminusone: index -= 1 subunit = 1.0 c1 = self.colors[index] c2 = self.colors[index+1] r = c1[0] + (c2[0] - c1[0]) * subunit g = c1[1] + (c2[1] - c1[1]) * subunit b = c1[2] + (c2[2] - c1[2]) * subunit a = 1.0 data[x,y] = (r,g,b,a) self.bitmap = data def apply(self, info, glyph, startx, starty, size, maxsize, glyphimage, previmage): bm = np.array(self.bitmap[startx:startx+size[0], starty:starty+size[1]]) assert bm.shape == previmage.shape, "Wrong sizes: %s != %s" % ( str(bm.shape), str(previmage.shape) ) idx = np.where(glyphimage == 0) r,g,b = (bm[:,:,0], bm[:,:,1], bm[:,:,2]) r[idx] = 0 g[idx] = 0 b[idx] = 0 a = previmage[:, :, 3] return np.dstack((r,g,b,a))
[docs]class Stripes(object): """ Creates stripes with alternating colors :param width: The width of the stripes :param offset: The start offset of the stripes :param angle: The angle of rotation (in degrees) :param colors: The alternating colors of the stripes. May be more than 2 """ width = prop.IntProperty( 4, help='The width of the stripes' ) offset = prop.IntProperty( 0, help='The start offset of the stripes' ) angle = prop.AngleProperty( 0, help='The angle of rotation (in degrees)' ) colors = [(0,0,0), (255,255,255)] def __init__(self, *k, **kw): self.width = self.__class__.width self.offset = self.__class__.offset self.angle = self.__class__.angle self.colors = self.__class__.colors for name, value in kw.iteritems(): try: setattr(self, name, eval(value) ) except NameError: setattr(self, name, value ) self.colors = _convert_color_to_units( self.colors ) def set_dimensions(self, width, height): angle = self.angle / 180.0 * np.pi normal = np.array([0,height/2.0]) cosa = np.cos(angle) sina = np.sin(angle) rotation = np.array([[cosa, -sina], [sina, cosa]]) normal = (rotation * normal)[:,1] lengthsq =,normal) normal /= np.sqrt(lengthsq) # place the rotation in the middle and project a corner point # onto the normal. Then we can find out the max extents of the blend #origin = np.array([width/2.0, height/2.0]) origin = np.array( [np.round(width/2.0), np.round(height/2.0)], float) maxextents = np.sqrt( origin, origin ) ) maxextents = np.round(maxextents) data = np.empty((width,height,4), dtype=np.float32) for x in xrange(0, width): for y in xrange(0, height): v = np.array([x,y], dtype=float) v -= origin lengthsq =,v) d = ( v, normal ) / maxextents) / 2.0 + 0.5 unity = d subunit = unity invsubunit = 1 - subunit index = 0 c1 = self.colors[index] c2 = self.colors[index+1] r = c1[0] * invsubunit + c2[0] * subunit g = c1[1] * invsubunit + c2[1] * subunit b = c1[2] * invsubunit + c2[2] * subunit data[x,y] = (r,g,b, 1.0) self.bitmap = data def apply(self, info, glyph, startx, starty, size, maxsize, glyphimage, previmage): return self.bitmap[startx:startx+size[0], starty:starty+size[1]]
[docs]class Texture(object): """ Applies a texture as a color function :param options: The command line options :param name: The texture name relative to options.datadir. """ name = prop.FileProperty( default='', help='The texture name relative to options.datadir.' ) def __init__(self, *k, **kw): options = k[0] for name, value in kw.iteritems(): try: setattr(self, name, eval(value) ) except NameError: setattr(self, name, value ) except SyntaxError: if value and value[0] == '.': # relative paths are ok setattr(self, name, value ) else: raise if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(options.datadir, raise fu.FontException("No such file: %s in dir %s" % (, options.datadir)) self.bitmap = np.asarray( os.path.join(options.datadir, ), float) / 255.0 if self.bitmap.shape[2] == 3: r, g, b = fu.split_channels(self.bitmap) a = np.ones_like(r) #self.bitmap = np.dstack((r, g, b, a)) else: r, g, b, a = fu.split_channels(self.bitmap) self.bitmap = np.dstack( (r.T, g.T, b.T, a.T) ) def set_dimensions(self, width, height): # TODO: Add option to enable this wrap while self.bitmap.shape[0] < width: self.bitmap = np.concatenate( (self.bitmap, self.bitmap), axis=0) while self.bitmap.shape[1] < height: self.bitmap = np.concatenate( (self.bitmap, self.bitmap), axis=1) def apply(self, info, glyph, startx, starty, size, maxsize, glyphimage, previmage): return self.bitmap[startx:startx+size[0], starty:starty+size[1]]
[docs]class Outline(object): """ Creates an outline around the glyph :param color: The color of the outline :param opacity: The opacity of the color [0,100] :param width: The width of the outline :param spread: The radius of the blur of the outline """ color = prop.ColorProperty( (0, 0, 0) ) opacity = prop.OpacityProperty( 100 ) width = prop.Size1DProperty( 1 ) spread = prop.Size1DProperty( 0 ) def __init__(self, *k, **kw): """ @param color The color (r,g,b) of the outline @param width The width of the outline @param opacity The opacity of the outline (in percent) """ for name, value in kw.iteritems(): try: setattr(self, name, eval(value) ) except NameError: setattr(self, name, value ) self.color = [ float(x) / 255.0 for x in self.color] self.opacity = float(self.opacity) / 100.0 self.kernel = fu.create_2d_circle_kernel(self.width) r = self.width + self.spread self.padding = (r, r, r, r) """ Return the amount of padding needed to fit the effect as a 4 tuple (left, top, right, bottom) """ def apply(self, info, glyph, image): out = utils.maximum(image, self.kernel) if self.spread: out = fu.blur_image(out, self.spread) r, g, b, a = fu.split_channels(out) r[a > 0] = self.color[0] g[a > 0] = self.color[1] b[a > 0] = self.color[2] a[a > 0] = self.opacity return fu.alpha_blend(out, image)
[docs]class DropShadow(object): """ Applies a drop shadow to the glyphs """ #: The color of the shadow color = (0, 0, 0) #: The opacity of the shadow (in percent) opacity = 100 #: The angle of the shadow (in degrees) angle = 120 #: The spread of the shadow (in pixels) size = 1 #: The offset of the shadow distance = 3 def __init__(self, *k, **kw): """ @param color The color (r,g,b) of the shadow. For best results, should be the same color as the background color @param opacity The opacity of the shadow (in percent) @param angle The lighting angle (in degrees) @param size The spread of the shadow @param distance The offset in the direction of the lighting angle """ self.color = self.__class__.color self.opacity = self.__class__.opacity self.angle = self.__class__.angle self.size = self.__class__.size self.distance = self.__class__.distance for name, value in kw.iteritems(): try: setattr(self, name, eval(value) ) except NameError: setattr(self, name, value ) self.color = [ float(x) / 255.0 for x in self.color] self.opacity = float(self.opacity) / 100.0 self.angle = float(self.angle) self.offsetx = -np.cos( self.angle * np.pi/180.0 ) * float(self.distance) self.offsety = -np.sin( self.angle * np.pi/180.0 ) * float(self.distance) @property
[docs] def padding(self): """ Return the amount of padding needed to fit the effect as a 4 tuple (left, top, right, bottom) """ left = -self.size + self.offsetx right = self.size + self.offsetx top = self.size + self.offsety bottom = -self.size + self.offsety left = abs(left) if left < 0.0 else 0.0 right = right if right > 0.0 else 0.0 top = top if top > 0.0 else 0.0 bottom = abs(bottom) if bottom < 0.0 else 0.0 t = [left, top, right, bottom] t = map(int, t) return t
def apply(self, info, glyph, image): x = int(self.offsetx) y = -int(self.offsety) shadowbitmap = np.copy( image ) shadowbitmap = np.roll(shadowbitmap, x, axis = 0) shadowbitmap = np.roll(shadowbitmap, y, axis = 1) # replace the color r, g, b, a = fu.split_channels(shadowbitmap) shadowbitmap = np.dstack( (r, g, b, a) ) * (self.color[0], self.color[1], self.color[2], self.opacity) shadowbitmap = fu.blur_image(shadowbitmap, self.size) topbitmap = np.zeros_like( shadowbitmap ) topbitmap[:image.shape[0], :image.shape[1], :] = image return fu.alpha_blend(shadowbitmap, topbitmap)
[docs]class GaussianBlur(object): """ Applies a gaussian blur to the glyph """ #: The radius (in pixels) of the kernel size = 1 def __init__(self, *k, **kw): """ @param size The size of the blur kernel """ self.size = self.__class__.size for name, value in kw.iteritems(): try: setattr(self, name, eval(value) ) except NameError: setattr(self, name, value ) self.padding = (self.size, self.size, self.size, self.size) def apply(self, info, glyph, image): return fu.blur_image(image, self.size)
[docs]class KernelBlur(object): """ Applies a simple box filter where the middle element has value 'strength' """ #: The radius of the kernel (in pixels). The kernel size is `radius*2+1` size = 1 #: The center value of the kernel strength = 1 def __init__(self, *k, **kw): """ @param size The size of the kernel @param strength The strength of the middle element """ self.size = self.__class__.size for name, value in kw.iteritems(): try: setattr(self, name, eval(value) ) except NameError: setattr(self, name, value ) self.kernel = np.ones( self.size*2+1, dtype=np.float32 ) self.kernel[self.size] = self.strength self.kernel /= np.sum(self.kernel) self.padding = (self.size, self.size, self.size, self.size) def apply(self, info, glyph, image): return fu.blur_image_kernel1D(image, self.kernel)
[docs]class DistanceField(object): """ Calculates a distance field for each glyph """ #: The spread of the "blur" that is applied to the glyphs size = 16 #: The number of times the glyph is enlarged before the glyph is rendered. factor = 4 def __init__(self, *k, **kw): self.size = self.__class__.size for name, value in kw.iteritems(): try: setattr(self, name, eval(value) ) except NameError: setattr(self, name, value ) padding = self.size/self.factor self.padding = (padding, padding, padding, padding) def set_dimensions(self, width, height): self.max_dim = (width, height) def apply(self, info, glyph, startx, starty, size, maxsize, glyphimage, previmage): factor = self.factor face = info.face flags = ft.LOAD_RENDER | ft.LOAD_TARGET_MONO face.set_char_size( width=0, height=(info.size*factor)*64, hres=info.dpi, vres=info.dpi ) face.load_char( glyph.unicode, flags ) bitmap = fu.make_array_from_bitmap(face.glyph.contents.bitmap) * 255 metrics = face.glyph.contents.metrics bearingY = (metrics.horiBearingY >> 6) + info.internalpadding[1]*factor + info.extrapadding[1]*factor # Due to the down scaling, we need to make sure that the bitmap start at the correct pixels offset_y = bearingY - glyph.bearingY * factor bitmap = fu.pad_bitmap(bitmap, info.extrapadding[0]*factor, info.extrapadding[1]*factor - offset_y, info.extrapadding[2]*factor, info.extrapadding[3]*factor + offset_y, 0, debug=glyph.unicode=='r') # TODO: Work out how to eliminate this issue e = np.empty( bitmap.shape, bitmap.dtype, order='F' ) e[:, :] = bitmap bitmap = e i = utils.calculate_sedt(bitmap, self.size) #i = bitmap while factor > 1: i = utils.half_size(i) factor /= 2 i = i.astype(np.float64) / 255.0 a = np.zeros_like(i) a[i > 0] = 1.0 return np.dstack( (i, i, i, a) )
[docs]class Halfsize(object): """ Down scales the glyph by a factor, using bilinear factoring """ factor = prop.IntProperty( 1, help='The number of times the image should be minified' ) def __init__(self, *k, **kw): for name, value in kw.iteritems(): try: setattr(self, name, eval(value) ) except NameError: setattr(self, name, value ) def apply(self, glyph, info, image): for n in xrange(self.factor): out = utils.half_size(image) image = out return out #To be used as a mask for each layer
class DefaultMask(object): idx = None def apply(self, info, glyph, image): try: image[DefaultMask.idx] = 0 return image except: print "image", image.shape raise
[docs]class Layer(object): """ A class that helps applying layers on top of each other """ def __init__(self, **kw): self.opacity = 1.0 self.blend = fb.blendnormal self.effects = [] self.mask = DefaultMask() for name, value in kw.iteritems(): try: setattr(self, name, eval(value) ) except (TypeError, NameError): setattr(self, name, value ) if isinstance(self.opacity, int): self.opacity = self.opacity / 255.0 @property def padding(self): zero = (0,0,0,0) layerpadding = getattr(self.color, 'padding', zero) for effect in self.effects: layerpadding = np.add(layerpadding, getattr(effect, 'padding', zero) ) return layerpadding def set_info(self, glyph, info): self.glyph = glyph = info def _verify(self, fn, image): assert image.shape[0] != 0, "Bad image generated by " + fn.__class__.__name__ assert image.shape[1] != 0, "Bad image generated by " + fn.__class__.__name__ def apply_color(self, *k, **kw): image = self.color.apply(, self.glyph, *k, **kw ) self._verify(self.color, image) return image def apply_effects(self, image): for effect in self.effects: image = effect.apply(, self.glyph, image ) self._verify(effect, image) return image def apply_mask(self, image): if self.mask is not None: image = self.mask.apply(, self.glyph, image.copy() ) self._verify(self.mask, image) return image return image def apply_blend(self, glyphimage, previmage, image): if self.blend is not None: image = np.clip( image, 0.0, 1.0 ) image = self.blend(base=previmage, blend=image) image = fu.alpha_blend(previmage, image * self.opacity) self._verify(self.blend, image) return image # ****************************************************************************************************