Source code for fonttex_bitmap

Copyright @ 2013 Mathias Westerdahl

This is the default rendering of the fonts
.. py:attribute:: texturesize = 512, 512

    The desired size of the texture. If it's too small, the creator will fail.
.. py:attribute:: textureoffset = 0, 0
    The offset from the top left corner of the texture to the top left corner of the first glyph.
    It is used to create a border around the texture. The same border is also applied on the right/bottom sides.
.. py:attribute:: usepremultipliedalpha = 0

    If set, will premultiply the alpha

import logging
import numpy as np
from fontutils import FontException
import binpack


def _guess_dimensions(glyphs):
    area = 0
    for glyph in glyphs:
        if glyph.bitmap is None:
        w, h, d = glyph.bitmap.shape
        area += w*h
    #area += area / 1
    gw = 512
    gh = 64
    guess = gw * gh
    while guess < area:
        if gh >= gw:
            gw *= 2
            gh /= 2
            gh *= 2
        guess = gw * gh
    return (gw, gh)

def _create_image(info, w, h):
    image = np.ones( (w, h, 4), np.float64)
    image[:, :, 0] *= info.bgcolor[0]
    image[:, :, 1] *= info.bgcolor[1]
    image[:, :, 2] *= info.bgcolor[2]
    image[:, :, 3] *= 0
    return image

def _glyph_cmp(a, b):
    if a.bitmap is None and b.bitmap is not None:
        return 1
    elif b.bitmap is None and a.bitmap is not None:
        return -1
    elif b.bitmap is None and a.bitmap is None:
        return cmp(a, b)
    return a.bitmap.shape[1] - b.bitmap.shape[1]

[docs]def render(info): """ Assuming (0,0) is at the top left corner of the image. :param info: The settings from the fontinfo file :return: The image all glyphs are rendered to """ # sort the glyphs info.glyphs.sort(cmp=_glyph_cmp) # Work in progress #iw, ih = _guess_dimensions(info.glyphs) iw, ih = info.texturesize #ih /= 2 #print "guessed image size", iw, ih image = _create_image(info, iw, ih) textureoffset = info.textureoffset padding = info.padding packer = binpack.create_packer(binpack.SKYLINE_BL, iw - textureoffset[0], ih - textureoffset[1], False) # DEBUG PACK RENDERING if DEBUG: image[:, :, 0] = 1.0 image[:, :, 3] = 1.0 for glyph in info.glyphs: if glyph.bitmap is None: continue bitmap = glyph.bitmap w, h, d = bitmap.shape rect = binpack.pack_rect(packer, w + padding, h + padding) if rect.height == 0: raise FontException("The texture size is too small: (%d, %d) Increase the 'texturesize' property in the font info" % (info.texturesize[0], info.texturesize[1]) ) rect.x += textureoffset[0] rect.y += textureoffset[1] rect.width -= padding rect.height -= padding glyph.bitmapbox = (rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height) # check if the glyph has been flipped if w != h and w == rect.height: bitmap = np.rot90(bitmap) try: image[ rect.x : rect.x + rect.width, rect.y : rect.y + rect.height ] = bitmap # DEBUG PACK RENDERING if DEBUG: import fontutils top = image[ rect.x : rect.x + rect.width, rect.y : rect.y + rect.height ] ones = np.ones( (top.shape[0], top.shape[1]) ) from random import random r = random() * 0.4 + 0.6 g = random() * 0.4 + 0.6 b = random() * 0.4 + 0.6 a = 1.0 bottom = np.dstack( (ones * r, ones * g, ones * b, ones * a) ) result = fontutils.alpha_blend(bottom, top) image[ rect.x : rect.x + rect.width, rect.y : rect.y + rect.height ] = result except Exception, e: print "ERROR", e print "RECT", rect #print "bmshape", (bx,by,w,h) print "image.shape", image.shape print "char.bitmap.shape", glyph.bitmap.shape raise #x += max(w, w2) + info.padding + info.internalpadding[0]*2 logging.debug('Used %f %% of the texture', (binpack.get_occupancy(packer) * 100)) binpack.destroy_packer(packer) if info.usepremultipliedalpha: image = fontutils.pre_multiply_alpha(image) return image