Source code for fonttexout_pil

Copyright @ 2013 Mathias Westerdahl

This module lets you choose the PIL package as texture writer.
PIL supports a range of formats such as bmp, jpg, tga, png.
PIL also allows for custom file formats. 

.. py:attribute:: texturechannels

    Designates what channels should be written out to disc.
    Possible values are any permutation of the letters R, G, B, A and L.
    L gives you the red channel
    Defaults to 'RGBA'

.. py:attribute:: textureformat

    The texture format that will be used. 
    Defaults to '.png'


    texturewriter = fonttexout_pil
    textureformat = .png
    texturechannels = 'RGBA'


import os
import logging
import Image
import numpy as np

[docs]def write(options, info, image): """ Writes the image to disc """ image = (image * 255.0).astype(np.uint8) # transpose r, g, b, a = image.T channels = getattr(info, 'texturechannels', None) if channels is None: channels = 'RGBA' d = { 'R' : r, 'G' : g, 'B' : b, 'A' : a, 'L' : r } outchannels = [] for c in channels: outchannels.append(d[c.upper()]) if len(outchannels) > 1: image = np.dstack( tuple(outchannels) ) else: image = outchannels[0] path = os.path.splitext(options.output)[0] + info.textureformat pilimage = Image.fromarray( image ) path ) logging.debug("Wrote %s" % path)