Source code for fontutils

Copyright @ 2013 Mathias Westerdahl
from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
import numpy.ctypeslib
import utils
import freetype as ft

class FontException(Exception):

[docs]def make_array_from_bitmap(_bitmap, bitdepth=8): """ Converts a FTBitmap into a numpy array """ bitmap = ft.Bitmap() ft.bitmap_convert(_bitmap, bitmap, bitdepth) width, rows, pitch = bitmap.width, bitmap.rows, bitmap.pitch a = numpy.ctypeslib.as_array(bitmap.buffer, (rows, pitch) ).transpose() return a[:width,:]
[docs]def split_channels(image): """ Takes a numpy array and splits its' channels into a 3 or 4 tuple (views) :return: A 3 or 4 tuple, with each element containing the corresponding color channel """ if image.shape[2] == 3: return (image[:, :, 0], image[:, :, 1], image[:, :, 2]) elif image.shape[2] == 4: return (image[:, :, 0], image[:, :, 1], image[:, :, 2], image[:, :, 3]) assert False, "Wrong shape: %s" % str(image.shape)
def multiply_color(image, color): ir, ig, ib, ia = split_channels(image) cr, cg, cb, ca = color ir *= cr ig *= cg ib *= cb ia *= ca return image def pre_multiply_alpha(image): r,g,b,a = split_channels(image) r *= a g *= a b *= a return image
[docs]def alpha_blend(bottom, top): """ Creates a new copy by alpha blending top onto bottom :param bottom: A numpy array of shape (x, y, 4) :param top: A numpy array of shape (x, y, 4) :return: Returns a new numpy.array with the same dtype as the top array """ assert bottom.shape == top.shape, "Cannot blend two images of different shapes: %s != %s" % (str(bottom.shape), str(top.shape)) if bottom.dtype != top.dtype: bottom = bottom.astype(top.dtype) """ br, bg, bb, ba = split_channels(bottom) tr, tg, tb, ta = split_channels(top) oneminusa = 1.0 - ta out = np.empty_like(bottom) out[:, :, 0] = br * oneminusa + tr * ta out[:, :, 1] = bg * oneminusa + tg * ta out[:, :, 2] = bb * oneminusa + tb * ta out[:, :, 3] = np.maximum(ba, ta) #return out #return top out = top.copy() out[:, :, 3] = np.maximum(ba, ta) return out """ br, bg, bb, ba = split_channels(bottom) tr, tg, tb, ta = split_channels(top) out = np.empty_like(bottom) out[:, :, 0] = br + (tr-br) * ta out[:, :, 1] = bg + (tg-bg) * ta out[:, :, 2] = bb + (tb-bb) * ta out[:, :, 3] = np.maximum(ba, ta) return out
[docs]def pad_bitmap(bitmap, left, top, right, bottom, value, debug=False): """ Pads a bitmap with pixels on each side. The new cells are applied the value :param bitmap: A numpy array :param left: The number of pixels that should be added to the left :param top: The number of pixels that should be added to the top :param right: The number of pixels that should be added to the right :param bottom: The number of pixels that should be added to the bottom :param value: The value to insert :return: The padded numpy array """ pl, pt, pr, pb = left, top, right, bottom """ s = bitmap.shape if len(s) == 2: left = np.array([value] * (left*s[1]), bitmap.dtype ).reshape(-1, s[1]) right = np.array([value] * (right*s[1]), bitmap.dtype ).reshape(-1, s[1]) elif len(s) == 3: left = np.array([value] * (left*s[1]*s[2]), bitmap.dtype ).reshape(-1, s[1], s[2]) right = np.array([value] * (right*s[1]*s[2]), bitmap.dtype ).reshape(-1, s[1], s[2]) bm = np.concatenate( (left, bitmap, right), axis=0 ) s = bm.shape if len(s) == 2: top = np.array([value] * (top*s[0]), bitmap.dtype ).reshape(s[0], -1) bottom = np.array([value] * (bottom*s[0]), bitmap.dtype ).reshape(s[0], -1) elif len(s) == 3: top = np.array([value] * (top*s[0]*s[2]), bitmap.dtype ).reshape(s[0], -1, s[2]) bottom = np.array([value] * (bottom*s[0]*s[2]), bitmap.dtype ).reshape(s[0], -1, s[2]) bm = np.concatenate( (top, bm, bottom), axis=1 ) #return bm """ left, top, right, bottom = pl, pt, pr, pb s = list(bitmap.shape) s[0] += left + right s[1] += top + bottom out = np.empty( tuple(s), dtype=bitmap.dtype) out.fill( value ) right = left + bitmap.shape[0] bottom = top + bitmap.shape[1] if len(out.shape) > 2: out[left:right, top:bottom, :] = bitmap else: out[left:right, top:bottom] = bitmap.flatten().reshape( bitmap.shape ) return out
def create_1d_lanczos_kernel(radius): # formula taken from def calc(x): return 0 if abs(x) > radius else (1 if x == 0 else np.sin(x*np.pi)/x) k = np.array( map(calc, range(-radius,radius+1)) ) return k / np.sum(k)
[docs]def create_1d_gaussian_kernel(radius, sigma=None): """ Creates a 1D gaussian kernel given a radius and a constant Implementation taken from :param radius: The radius of the kernel :param a: A constant that controls the shape of the bell curve :return: A 1D numpy.array with shape (radius*2+1,) """ if sigma is None: vert = radius + 1.0; sigma = sqrt( -(vert * vert) / -3); f = 1.0 / ( sigma * np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) ) sigma2 = sigma**2 def calc(x): return f * np.exp( -(x**2 / (2.0 * sigma2)) ) k = np.array( [calc(i) for i in range(-radius,radius+1)], dtype=np.float32 ) k /= np.sum(k) return k
[docs]def create_2d_circle_kernel(radius): """ Creates a kernel where the cells within the radius gets a value of 1.0 :param radius: The radius of the kernel :return: A numpy.array with shape (radius*2+1, radius*2+1) """ return np.array([ np.sqrt( x * x + y * y ) <= float(radius) for y in xrange(-radius, radius+1) for x in xrange(-radius, radius+1)], dtype=np.float32).reshape( radius*2+1, radius*2+1 )
def blur_image(image, radius): k = create_1d_gaussian_kernel(radius) blurred = utils.convolve1d(image, k, axis=0) blurred = utils.convolve1d(blurred, k, axis=1) return blurred def blur_image_kernel1D(image, kernel): blurred = utils.convolve1d(image, kernel, axis=0) blurred = utils.convolve1d(blurred, kernel, axis=1) return blurred def print_ascii2(bm): for y in xrange(bm.shape[1]): s = '' for x in xrange(bm.shape[0]): v = bm[x,y] c = None if v == 0: c = ' ' elif v < 64: c = '.' elif v < 128: c = 'o' elif v < 196: c = 'O' elif v <= 255: c = '@' else: raise Exception("Value not ok: %s" % str(v)) s += c print s print "" if __name__ == '__main__': import Image """ im ='/Users/mawe/Pictures/flower.jpg') image = np.array(im.getdata(), np.uint8).reshape(im.size[1], im.size[0], 3) kernel = create_1d_gaussian_kernel(5) #kernel = [1,2,3,5,3,2,1] #kernel = [1,1,1,1,1] #s = float(sum(kernel)) #kernel = np.array([x / s for x in kernel], dtype=np.float32) out = utils.convolve1d(image, kernel, 0) out = utils.convolve1d(out, kernel, 1) outim = Image.fromarray(out)'/Users/mawe/Pictures/out.png') im ='/Users/mawe/Pictures/lena.jpg') image = np.array(im.getdata(), np.uint8).reshape(im.size[1], im.size[0], 3) kernel = create_2d_circle_kernel(3) out = utils.maximum(image, kernel) outim = Image.fromarray(out)'/Users/mawe/Pictures/lena_maximum.png') out = utils.minimum(image, kernel) outim = Image.fromarray(out)'/Users/mawe/Pictures/lena_minimum.png') im ='/Users/mawe/Pictures/a.png') image = np.array(im.getdata(), np.uint8).reshape(im.size[1], im.size[0], 4) r, g, b, a = (image[:, :, 0], image[:, :, 1], image[:, :, 2], image[:, :, 3]) image = np.dstack((r, g, b, a)) kernel = create_2d_circle_kernel(5) out = utils.maximum(image, kernel) outim = Image.fromarray(out)'/Users/mawe/Pictures/a_outline.png') out = blur_image(image, 10) outim = Image.fromarray(out)'/Users/mawe/Pictures/a_blur.png') """ im ='/Users/mawe/Pictures/a.png') image = np.array(im.getdata(), np.uint8).reshape(im.size[1], im.size[0], 4) image = np.dstack((image[:, :, 0],)) out = utils.calculate_sedt(image, 14) outim = Image.fromarray( np.dstack( (out, out, out, np.ones_like(out)*255 ) ) ) #outim = Image.fromarray( out )'build/a_sed.png') #