5.8. fontinfo

Copyright @ 2013 Mathias Westerdahl

The font info reads the .fontinfo and creates the layers, effects, and blends

name = ''

The path of the font file. Relative paths are relative to the .fontinfo file. Supports .ttf files. For a complete list of supported formats, see Freetype2

size = 32

The size of the font (in pixels)

leading = 0.0

The leading of the font.

tracking = 0.0

The tracking of the font.

dpi = 72

The resolution of the font when being rendered.

padding = 0

The amount of padding that is inserted between two glyphs when rendered to the bitmap.

internalpadding = 0, 0

The amount of padding (x, y) that is added internally for a glyph. E.g. making room for manual fixup in a image editing program.

useadvanceaswidth = 0

For japanese fonts, the space in the glyph is important. Therefore, this flag was introduced to respect the space of a glyph. Set to 1 for Japanese fonts.

usepairkernings = 1

Enables the collecting of the pair kernings table.

letters = 20-7e

Specifies what letters should be included in the font. It can hold these formats:

  1. A list of hexadecimal digits. The list is comma separated and can specify ranges with the ‘-‘ character:

    letters = 20-7c,7d,7e
  2. A filename. The file contains the actual letters.

bgcolor = 0, 0, 0

The background color of the texture

fgcolor = 1, 1, 1

The color of the glyph

antialias = normal

Enables antialiasing for the glyph rendering (the first pass). Possible values are ‘none’, ‘light’ and ‘normal’.

texturerender = fonttex_bitmap

A path to the module that renders the glyphs to the texture. Must implement a image = render(info) function. The default is fonttex_bitmap

texturewriter = fonttexout_pil

A path to the module that writes the texture to disc. Must implement a write(options, info, image) function. The default is fonttexout_pil

writer = fontout_json

A path to the module that writes the glyph info. Must implement a write(options, info, pairkernings) function. The default is fontout_json

layers = ''

A list of layers (fonteffects.Layer) that will be applied in order.

effects = ''

A list of post effects that will be applied in order, after the layers have been rendered.

class fontinfo.SFontInfo(options)[source]

The input format (.fontinfo)