3.1. Color functions

Each color function takes an image from the previous layer as input and returns an altered image as result. Each function is actually a class that implements a few function(s):

  • __init__ (optional)
  • set_dimensions (optional)
  • apply

The class must be decorated with the ColorFunction decorator.

3.1.1. Example

A simple example which preallocates an image and, when called, serves out portions of that image:

import numpy as np
from fonteffects import ColorFunction, ConvertColorsToUnits
import editor.properties as prop

class Solid(object):
    """ Creates solid fill with a single color

    :param color: A color as (r,g,b) [0,255]
    color = prop.ColorProperty( (255,255,255) )

    def __init__(self, *k, **kw):
        for name, value in kw.iteritems():
                setattr(self, name, eval(value) )
            except NameError:
                setattr(self, name, value )
            except TypeError, e:
                raise fu.FontException("Solid: Error while evaluating '%s':\n%s" % (value, str(e)))
        self.color = _convert_color_to_units( self.color )
        if len(self.color) == 3:
            self.color = (self.color[0], self.color[1], self.color[2], 1.0)

    def apply(self, info, glyph, startx, starty, size, maxsize, glyphimage, previmage):
        return previmage * self.color

3.1.2. Reference


Registers a class as a color function

cls.apply(self, info, glyph, startx, starty, size, maxsize, glyphimage, previmage)


Renders a an image given the start offset, size and the glyph image. Returns a numpy array with same shape as the previmage.shape

  • info (SFontInfo) – The info struct for the current font
  • glyph (SGlyph) – The current glyph being rendered
  • startx (integer) – The offset into the “max glyph image”. Used with any preallocated image.
  • starty (integer) – The offset into the “max glyph image”. Used with any preallocated image.
  • size (2-tuple) – The size of the current glyph
  • maxsize (2-tuple) – The max size of any glyph in the font
  • glyphimage (np.array) – The gray scale numpy array with shape (1 channel)
  • previmage (np.array) – The image rendered by the previous layer. If this color function is the first, the previmage is the composite of the glyphimage. (4 channels)

(np.array) The rendered image with same shape as previmage

cls.__init__(self, *k, **kw)


Handle the input arguments given to the function in the font info file

  • k – -not used-
  • kw – The named attributes found in the function’s section in the font info file
cls.set_dimensions(self, maxwidth, maxheight)


This call is made after init, to let the class preallocate or create data. Only called once per font.

  • maxwidth (integer) – The maximum expected width of any character in the font
  • maxheight (integer) – The maximum expected height of any character in the font